1. Books, themselves are the great teachers.
  2. Reading books while you are young gives you knowledge, later it is wisdom.
  3. Enhances your capabilities and thinking abilities.
  4. Improves the way you think, analyze, helps you to keep yourself organised.
  5. Reading helps improve your patience levels.
  6. They are the best stress relievers.
  7. Books teach experiences and lessons of others. Analyze every situation in the book as a case study and try to understand it to the extent possible and try to solve it your way.
  8. Books helps you adopt good habits.
  9. Make it a daily ritual, read at least 5 pages a day, you will definitely see the new ‘TRANSFORMED YOU’ soon.
  10. Initially try to make reading a habit, it will for sure turn out to be a hobby.
  11. I always knew the importance of reading books, but lack of interest or the impatience that had never let me read the books.

Have a look at my beautiful book shelf, that I had arranged even before I started reading books.


But now, I have realized and started reading, and I admit that I made a mistake, started reading books too late.

And now, I had made a new resolution that, I would gift a book to anyone on their birthday and have started that.

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